2015/06/10: Aaron Roth, "Correctness Protection via Differential Privacy"
2015/06/10: Aaron Roth, "Correctness Protection via Differential Privacy"
Aaron Roth (UPenn)
2015/05/27: Aaron Potechin, "Sum of Squares Lower Bounds for the Planted Clique Problem"
2015/05/27: Aaron Potechin, "Sum of Squares Lower Bounds for the Planted Clique Problem"
Aaron Potechin (MIT)
2015/05/13: Ilias Diakonikolas, "Efficient Distribution Estimation via Piecewise Polynomial Approximation"
2015/05/13: Ilias Diakonikolas, "Efficient Distribution Estimation via Piecewise Polynomial Approximation"
Ilias Diakonikolas (University of Edinburgh)
2015/04/28: Muli Safra, "On Monotonicity Testing and Boolean Isoperimetric type Theorems"
2015/04/28: Muli Safra, "On Monotonicity Testing and Boolean Isoperimetric type Theorems"
Muli Safra (Tel-Aviv University)
2015/04/15: Shayan Oveis Gharan, "Effective-Resistance-Reducing Flows, Spectrally Thin Trees, and Asymmetric TSP"
2015/04/15: Shayan Oveis Gharan, "Effective-Resistance-Reducing Flows, Spectrally Thin Trees, and Asymmetric TSP"
Shayan Oveis Gharan (University of Washington)
2015/04/01: Shachar Lovett, "Structure and Pseudo-Randomness in Coding Theory"
2015/04/01: Shachar Lovett, "Structure and Pseudo-Randomness in Coding Theory"
Shachar Lovett (UCSD)
2015/03/18: Shai Halevi, "Cryptographic Graded-Encoding Schemes: Recent Developments"
2015/03/18: Shai Halevi, "Cryptographic Graded-Encoding Schemes: Recent Developments"
Shai Halevi (IBM T.J. Watson)
2015/03/04: Madhu Sudan, "Imperfectly Shared Randomness in Communication"
2015/03/04: Madhu Sudan, "Imperfectly Shared Randomness in Communication"
Madhu Sudan (MSR New England)
2015/02/18: Allan Sly, "Proof of the satisfiability conjecture for large k"
2015/02/18: Allan Sly, "Proof of the satisfiability conjecture for large k"
Allan Sly (Berkeley)
2015/01/21: Zeev Dvir, "2-Server PIR with sub-polynomial communication"
2015/01/21: Zeev Dvir, "2-Server PIR with sub-polynomial communication"
Zeev Dvir (Princeton University)
2014/12/03: Omri Weinstein, "Approximating the Best Nash Equilibrium in n^o(log n)-time Breaks the Exponential Time Hypothesis"
2014/12/03: Omri Weinstein, "Approximating the Best Nash Equilibrium in n^o(log n)-time Breaks the Exponential Time Hypothesis"
Omri Weinstein (Princeton University)
2014/11/19: Bernhard Haeupler, "Coding for Interactive Communication Made Communication Efficient and Easy"
2014/11/19: Bernhard Haeupler, "Coding for Interactive Communication Made Communication Efficient and Easy"
Bernhard Haeupler (Carnegie Mellon University)
2014/11/05: Thomas Rothvoss, "Constructive Discrepancy Minimization for Convex Sets"
2014/11/05: Thomas Rothvoss, "Constructive Discrepancy Minimization for Convex Sets"
Thomas Rothvoss (University of Washington)
2014/10/22: Christos Papadimitriou, "Satisfiability and Evolution"
2014/10/22: Christos Papadimitriou, "Satisfiability and Evolution"
Christos Papadimitriou (UC Berkeley)
2014/10/08: Mary Wootters, "List-decodability of structured random codes"
2014/10/08: Mary Wootters, "List-decodability of structured random codes"
Mary Wootters (Carnegie Mellon)
2014/09/24: Ran Raz, "Exponential separation of information and communication"
2014/09/24: Ran Raz, "Exponential separation of information and communication"
Ran Raz (Weizmann Institute and IAS)